Sell Unit: CASE
Sale price$633.47

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Product Description


Baxter Catheter Stabilization Device Extension Set Kits

V-LINK Device with VITALSHIELD Protective Coating Non-DEHP Catheter Extension Set Kit, Standard Bore Tubing, 1 luer activated device with silver for IV Access, Medium VITAL HOLD Catheter Stabilization Device, foam adhesive strips. Holds tubing and lines 3.0 mm to 8.0 mm in diameter.

VITAL HOLD Catheter Stabilization Device

Promote Consistent, Convenient, Cost Effective Care

Enhance patient care with comfortable, reliable securement.

  • Catheter securement devices are recommended to "decrease the risk for phlebitis, catheter migration and dislodgement, and may be advantageous in preventing CRBSIs" in the 2011 CDC Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections.
  • INS Standards of Practice advocate catheter stabilization devices as "the preferred alternative to tape or sutures when feasible."
  • Use of catheter stabilization devices reduces risk of needlestick injuries and associated complications.
  • Baxter catheter stabilization devices have been demonstrated to reduce the rate of unscheduled restarts by up to 62% when compared to tape4 , which decreases facility costs.
  • VITAL HOLD Products offer familiar designs that nursing professionals can consistently apply.
  • VITAL HOLD Devices are comfortable for patients to wear due to their soft, non-rigid designs.

Reduce Inventory

Reduce steps and costs for you and your facility with kits

  • VITAL HOLD Kits contain key components necessary for safe IV catheter securement in compact packages.
  • Each kit reduces the need for additional components, like tape.
  • Kits reduce SKUs, decrease inventories and help nurses reduce steps when collecting supplies.

VITAL HOLD Catheter Stabilization Kits are available with three extension set options for IV Access:

  • The INTERLINK System
  • The CLEARLINK System
  • V-LINK Luer-Activated Device with VITALSHIELD protective coating

V LINK Luer Activated Device with VITALSHIELD Protective Coating

The first antimicrobial IV connector

Technique and technology are needed to fight pathogens

  • Every day, you do all you can to prevent microbial contamination - Proper aseptic technique at the IV insertion site can reduce extraluminal contamination (outside the catheter walls)
  • Study results concluded that after specific preventive measures have been taken, 60% of catheter-related bloodstream infections (CR-BSIs) are likely to originate from the catheter fluid path1 Technology to help protect the intraluminal pathway (the fluid path) is also needed to further reduce the risk of CR-BSIs
  • Fights pathogen contamination and microbial growth in the fluid path
  • Consistently high efficacy across multiple bacterial strains
  • Demonstrated durability and efficacy over 96 hours

A well-known design

  • Needleless IV access device
  • Flat, swabable surface
  • Translucent housing
  • Double-seal protection
  • Promotes standardized technique

Proprietary VitalShield silver antimicrobial coating

Empowering you to fight an ever-present danger

  • Unique coating designed to help prevent microbial contamination and growth of pathogens in the device
  • Interior and exterior surfaces coated through a process that deposits silver nanoparticles* that serve as reservoirs of bactericidal silver ions
  • Controlled release of silver ions when in contact with solution
  • Silver kills pathogens through multiple pathways. Literature indicates that the primary modes of action are believed to include:
    • Binding to DNA, inhibiting replication and transcription
    • Causing structural changes to microbial cell walls
    • Attacking multiple sites in the cell simultaneously

The VitalShield protective coating is a uniquely designed formulation of silver nanoparticles that helps prevent microbial contamination and growth of pathogens within the V-Link device.

*The V-Link device is contraindicated for individuals with hypersensitivity to silver or silver components.

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