BD 220145 - CultureSwab EZ Double Sterile, Polyurethane, Dual Swab, Foam Swab 100/BX

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Sale price$129.62

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Product Description

BD 220145 - CultureSwab EZ Double Sterile, Polyurethane, Dual Swab, Foam Swab 100/BX

The BBL CultureSwab EZ/BBL CultureSwab EZ II Single and Dual Swab Specimen Collection and Transport Systems are sterile devices for collecting and transporting aerobic microbiological specimens.

The BBL CultureSwab EZ/BBL CultureSwab EZ II Systems are self-contained, ready-touse specimen collection systems that provide a simplified method for the transport and maintenance of viable microorganisms. The devices incorporate one or two polyurethane-tipped swabs on plastic shafts secured to a cap. The swab(s) contained within the cap is inserted into a tube. Studies have shown that BBL CultureSwab EZ/ BBL CultureSwab EZ II Systems yield equivalent results as compared to traditional fibertipped collection swabs placed in transport media.

For isolation and identification of aerobic microorganisms, the specimen must be removed from the transport container and cultured on appropriate media or processed as appropriate for other microbiological procedures.

The non-toxic nature and unique characteristics of the polyurethane-tipped swab enable the transport of specimens without using a liquid transport medium. Thus, the polyurethane-tipped swab does not dilute the specimen as occurs with mediacontaining devices, and overgrowth by organisms which may utilize transport medium components for growth cannot occur.

Each individually wrapped device consists of one or two sterile polyurethane-tipped swabs on plastic shafts attached to a cap within a tube.

Precautions: For in vitro Diagnostic Use. Pathogenic microorganisms, including hepatitis viruses and Human Immunodeficiency Virus, may be present in clinical specimens. Standard Precautions5-8 and institutional guidelines should be followed in handling all items contaminated with blood and other body fluids. When collecting swab samples from patients, care should be taken not to use excessive force or pressure which may result in breakage of the swab shaft.


The procedure is used directly with clinical specimens or other sources containing microorganisms.

Whenever possible, the laboratory should provide collection devices and instructions for their proper use. Specimens should be obtained before antibiotics or other antimicrobial agents have been administered. If therapy was initiated prior to collection of the specimen, this should be noted on the specimen container or on forms accompanying the specimen. Material should be collected from the site where the suspected organism is most likely to be found, with as little external contamination as possible, and at the clinical stage of disease most likely to yield a positive culture. Specimens should be of sufficient quantity to permit complete examination. To help ensure that pathogens are viable upon receipt, provision must be made for prompt delivery to the laboratory (see Expected Results section as follows).

Directions for use:

  • Peel open the sterile pouch at the point marked Peel Here, and remove devicefrom package.
  • Remove the swab and take the sample. To minimize potential contamination, theapplicator tip should only touch the area where the infection is suspected.
  • After taking the sample, return the swab to tube.
  • Complete patient identification label.
  • Send to laboratory for immediate processing.

Expected Results

The BBL CultureSwab EZ/BBL CultureSwab EZ II Systems will transport and maintainviability of aerobic microorganisms for 24 to 48 h. Transport time for fastidiousmicroorganisms, such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Streptococcus pneumoniae should be24-h or less. All organisms may exhibit some loss of viability over time, therefore, transporttime should be minimized as much as possible.


Optimum recovery is achieved by direct specimen plating and/or smear preparation atthe time of collection. Chlamydiae, mycoplasma, viruses and anaerobes require specialtransport systems.

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